Spring 2017 Review and Welcome Fall!

Lab Atlanta launched officially in January 2017 with a pilot cohort of 10 students from Atlanta area public and private schools. It was a semester filled with learning as we prototyped, pivoted (our favorite word last spring), and performed while responding to our new, dynamic, and exciting learning environment. What follows is a brief overview of the inaugural semester as presented to our many supporters. Most telling are the student reflections, some of which are included here, and the incredible testimonials from parents as well as colleges and universities who visited us last year. (Many of these can be found interspersed throughout our website.) 

We are in the midst of another focused pilot this fall before opening our doors to a full cohort of students in January. Some very exciting announcements are forthcoming on that front. Behind the scenes, our Lab Atlanta Advisory Board launches this month with our first full board meeting. You can read more about our extraordinary members who are representative of a broad swath of Atlanta here

Thank you to all who are walking alongside us in this journey to reimagine school as a broader community and to celebrate the rich, diverse, creative, brilliant young minds that are ripe to make a difference in Atlanta. And, many thanks to the donors who are making this dreamwork possible.